My challenge is to show the world a selection of young women, their beauty as an ideology. The word “beauty” does not have a single definition but rather many. Beauty can be anything and everything, it is not necessarily associated with the physical aspect, but rather beauty shines most when an individual is being their own unique self and demonstrates confidence in the way they carry themselves.
These photographs have a hint of fashion-like portraits but the main focus is to showcase young women and their beauty in different sceneries, whether that might be in their own intimate home, outdoors highlighted by natural light, or indoors. Some photographs are posed while others are candid. My models consist of friends both old and new, while at other times I experimented with the self as a means to not let myself be biased by society’s ideals of beauty.
Lauren Greenfield’s project Girl Culture focuses on young girls growing up and the insecurities they feel towards their bodies. Today more than ever girls tend to get caught up in the preconceived ideals of what beauty is in the twenty-first century. In contrast with Greenfield’s photographs, instead of demonstrating how girls act when it comes to self-image, I photographed girls feeling confident with themselves.
Sara Melotti, a fashion photographer, is currently working on a project titled Quest for Beauty that focuses on showing through many different cultures that real beauty lies in every woman. Her photographic style influenced me to produce photographs that have a sense of femininity and romanticism.
Henri Cartier-Bresson, a master of street photography, said to take a photograph one has to put their “head, eye, and heart on the same axis.” With every one of my photographs I strive to follow that by focusing and feeling a sense of connection with my subject matter within the viewfinder.